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RFQPro Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is RFQPro Software?
2. How do I get started?
3. Does provide a list of potential Vendors for Buyers to choose from?
4. What is the difference between the Free and the Pro Version?
5. How long does it take to get installed?
6. What kind of reporting is included?
7. Will history be retained?
8. Can my non-technical staff use it?
9. What is a RFQ?
10. Can I adjust who gets email notifications and who does not?
11. Can I have only certain people create RFQs?
12. Does my computer type matter? Can I use a Macintosh, for example?
13. What is a RFP?
14. How much training is needed to use this RFQ Software package?
15. How many staff can use the product?

RFQPro Answers

1. What is RFQPro Software?
RFQPro Software expedites the request for quotation process by streamlining the tasks required to solicit bids from suppliers. Our software will assist both experienced and inexperienced Buyers scrutinize their spend, expedite cycle times, encourage the bid process and ultimately drive down costs.

2. How do I get started?
Complete your profile, review your default letter templates and user options. Issue your RFQ to your standard vendors, sit back and let RFQPro go to work for you. Hint: use the Invite button so your Suppliers can set-up their profile prior to bids being transmitted. Gives supplier time to warm up to something new and associates your Vendor to your profile. This is IMPORTANT.

3. Does provide a list of potential Vendors for Buyers to choose from?
No. RFQPro is not about matching Buyers and Vendors. Most Buyers already have their preferred vendor list in place or vendors set up in their system which are considered acceptable suppliers. In our system, the Buyer populates the recipient list and decides which vendors quote on their requirements. Our tools are meant to help the Buyer with creating the RFQ or RFP, facilitating the tender, aggregating the quotes, automating the award and rejection notifications...and much more.

4. What is the difference between the Free and the Pro Version?
The Pro Version - Unlimited RFQ's, Inventory Database, Reporting and access to our Resource Center. Pro users gain access to a large resource library of everyday procurement related templates, management reports, policies, RFQ's, RFP’s and much more. The inventory database allows you to upload an inventory listing which expedites the RFQ process. By entering your stock code you populate the Description, Unit of Measure, Part # fields.

5. How long does it take to get installed?
It is instantaneous and no download or installation of software is required. We look after it all on our end. As soon as your subscription is approved, you are free to commence use. Our RFQ Software is web-based and you can access and issue RFQ’s from anywhere there is an internet connection. Support is included with purchase of the Pro version.

6. What kind of reporting is included?
For the BUYER we have a number of reports including a $ savings and Vendor success rate report which includes Top Vendors, $ awarded by Vendor. The VENDOR has access to a success report which informs them of # of bids they have quoted to and the number of awards they have received.

7. Will history be retained?
Yes. This software archives so users can view past RFQ's / RFP's, even after they have been closed. We also have a Repeat bid feature which permits the Buyer to populate or create a new RFQ from an existing RFQ. Major time saver. is committed to reducing time and the effort required to issue a RFQ.

8. Can my non-technical staff use it?
Yes. Your entire staff can use this RFQ Software package. If you can navigate the Web then you can use RFQPro. For example, a secretary can complete the RFQ, save it as a draft, the buyer can then review it and the terms and issue to selected vendors.

9. What is a RFQ?
RFQ stands for Request for Quote or Quotation. It is the process where a Buyer issues a request in an effort to solicit competitive quotes from usually 3 or more vendors. software automates this process.

RFQ is also known as a Request for Qualifications.

10. Can I adjust who gets email notifications and who does not?
Yes. The Company Admin can set up users and permissions as well as email notifications.

11. Can I have only certain people create RFQs?
Yes. RFQPro comes with password access-control. The admin can set which people in a department have access to the RFQ Software system.

12. Does my computer type matter? Can I use a Macintosh, for example?
No computer type does not matter. Our RFQ Software is 100% Web-based, so you can use any computer connected to the internet. As long as you have an internet connection you are good to go.

13. What is a RFP?
A RFP is a request for proposal. Our software does support the issue and evaluation of RFP's.

14. How much training is needed to use this RFQ Software package?
None, many users do not ask for any assistance, however if you need support we usually respond within 24 hours or immediately if it is during business hours. A minor amount of set-up time is required to review your default document templates and contact information and then you are ready to roll.

15. How many staff can use the product?
As many users as you have licensed. Each company has their own administrator that can add unlimited users as and when required. RFQPro is all about convenience.

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